A blog is a huge undertaking. I’m already plagued with self doubt. Will it be interesting? Will people give a hoot what I’m up to? Can I keep up with it? I’m going to jump in and do my best! So, what will I be writing about? I’ll give updates on my writing- I have several manuscripts in various forms. This is the year I get serious, again, about writing for kids. I have lots of books I’ve written over the years. Now I want to publish some of them. I’ll give updates and snippets to read. I’ll talk about my art classes. I plan to offer virtual classes in the near future. A chunk of the content will be lifestyle from our blended family of ten, living off grid on weekends and mustangs (4 legged kind). I will avoid drama and negativity. I want to create a happy nook in cyber land. Welcome to My Positive Life.